Many of us know to concentrate on what you control, but applying this principle can be a challenging. One of the things that help me remember this key principle is a physical reminder.
Take to containers - One labeled "I control the outcome" the other labeled "I do not control the outcome". When faced with situations that are frustrating, confusing, or where I feels stuck.
Write down the situation on a sticky note and place it in the correct container. This lets me know how to proceed. If i control the outcome then I need to write down possible solutions. If I do not control the outcome then I need to tell myself to take the follow 3 steps.
1. Accept - accept I do not control the outcome
2. Adapt - ask myself what can I do
3. Move on - don't stay stuck - now it is time to move forward
I have used the two container method for years to accomplish the following:
- Reduce stress
- Gain perspective
- Increase happiness
#Control vs. no control